News — science gifts
Meet Petri - The Workaholic of the Lab Rat Pack
geek gifts lab rat gifts nerd gifts petri science gifts
“What do you need?” Petri asked.
“A couple of my friends have gone missing. I can’t seem to find them,” the distraught rat said.
“When was the last time you saw them? Where did you last see them? Do you remember what day it was?” Petri asked.
“Yeah, last week. Over near the park, where all the business folk eat lunch on their breaks,” the rat continued.
“Okay, okay, what’s your name by the way?”
“Sorry, it’s Trey, my name’s Trey.”
“Okay,” Petri continued, “I just need a couple more things from you and I’ll get working on it.”
Petri was the local...
Slacker - The Newest Addition To The Lab Rats
geek gifts lab rat gifts nerd gifts science gifts Slacker
“I like you, you remind me a lot of me. So I’m gonna help you, see?” Slacker told the lost and bewildered new rat in town.
Dutch was new in town and started to count his blessings that he had just met Slacker when…
“Slacker…what do you think you’re doing?” Jimmy Two Shakes asked walking up behind him.
Slacker took a deep breath.
“Now, Slacky, you KNOW that this is my part of town and ANYBODY new, and I mean ANYBODY new sees me first, right? Jimmy continued.
“Hey Jimmy, good...
Do You Own An iPhone or Galaxy? We've Got The Perfect Case For Your Phone!
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Heck, who doesn’t like getting gifts after the holidays, right?
Think long and hard…As you read this, someone will probably come to mind that you have forgotten to get a gift for.
Could it be that nerd in your life? That relative who is always glued to the latest issue of Scientific American?
Whoever it is, we have the perfect present. With the majority of cell phone users owning either a Samsung Galaxy or an iPhone, it’s a pretty good bet that a new cell phone case would make the ideal gift.
Do we have some you ask? Why we surely do....
Star Wars Is Back? What Are You Getting Their Fans This Holiday Season? Star Wars Themed Lab Rat Gifts, That’s What!
geek gifts lab rat gifts nerd gifts science gifts star wars t-shirts tee shirts
Are you looking for a gift for a friend or family member this year?
Is the person in the science, research, or math fields or just a nerd at heart?
You’ve come to the right place.
Christmas is coming up and (at the time of this writing) so is another installment of, drum roll please…Star Wars!
If by now you haven’t figured out that Star Wars and Nerds go together like Peas and Carrots, Peanut Butter and Jelly or Macaroni and Cheese, then where have you been?
Seriously, where?
Anyway, you don’t...
Top 10 Gifts That Nerd In Your Life Will LOVE
Chemistry chemistry gifts christmas gifts coffee mugs geek gifts lab rat gifts nerd gifts Science science gifts science kits star wars Store News t-shirts tee shirts
Do you have a lab rat in your life?
No, not an ACTUAL lab rat, that would be weird, but someone who you’d classify as a lab rat. Not sure if they qualify?
Take this quick test and answer these questions:
- Does the person enjoy science?
- Does the person enjoy math?
- Does the person currently work in a laboratory or research setting?
- Would you consider this person one of the smartest people that you know?
- Would you consider...