Not only is New England full of natural geological wonders from seaside to mountaintop, but Boston, Massachusetts and the regions surrounding it are synonymous with science. Home to top universities, cutting-edge medical facilities, and museums aplenty, we've compiled a list of the ultimate science museums in the Boston area for adults, children, and seniors. Why?
We here at Lab Rat Gifts have a passion for science and a passion for fun! Between our periodic table lanyard (the ultimate cheat sheet for those tough chemistry tests), our hilarious collection of science mugs, or those absolutely cool t-shirts we have, Lab Rat Gifts is where fact and fun meet. But when we're not hard at work doing research in the lab, we like to relax and enjoy all the offerings of the beautiful New England landscapes and its many museums. Here are our top 5 museums in New England!
5. See Science Center - Manchester, NH
Admission: Ages 3 and older $9.
4. The McAuliffe-Shepard Discovery Center - Concord, NH
There are programs at the Discovery Center for all ages! From the breathtaking planetarium theater to a high-tech observatory to fun workshops for future astronauts and teachers alike. There is something for everyone at this must-see museum.
3. Squam Lake Science Center - Holderness, NH
Admission: Children 2 and younger FREE,
Youth $15, Adults $20, Seniors $17

2. New England Aquarium - Boston, MA
Admission: Kids 3-11 $22, Adults $31, and Seniors $29.
1. Museum of Science - Boston, MA
Admission: Kids 3-11 $24, Adults $29, Seniors $25.
No list of must-see museums would be complete with out the legendary Museum of Science in Boston. One of the most famous museums in the world, the MOS features a revolving schedule of temporary exhibits, IMAX films, and Planetarium shows, as well as more than 700 interactive permanent exhibits, live shows, and so much more. A fan-favorite is Body Worlds & the Cycle of Life, a truly unique opportunity to view more than one hundred preserved human specimens that reveal the wonders of human development and demonstrate how poor health, good health, and lifestyle choices can shape your body.
That concludes our list of the top 5 museums in New England! Were there any New England mainstays we left out? Let us know in the comments below!